
I'm working at Testomato since beginning as co-founder & developer. Testomato starts almost ten years ago as one man project based on ideas of Michal Illich. Testomato is a cloud-based automated website monitoring tool for checks any type of websites and alerts you to problems. It's fast and easiest way to monitor websites automatically! Testomato can check your website 300 times a day. How often do you?

Technologies & Tools

Visit Testomato

Testomato website screenshot

Zdrojak.cz is one of the most famous Czech magazines about development. I am there since the rebirth as the lead developer and site administrator. Current version is build on Wordpress and multiple in-house plugins, modifications and tweaks.

Technologies & Tools

Visit Zdrojak.cz

Zdrojak website screenshot
Sphido Logo

A rocket 🚀 fast, 💭 lightweight and flexible static site 🤖 generator



Command dialog and keyboard shortcuts palette for web apps

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